Science Fair
Inviting all our TK-12th grade scientist to put on display their best projects. All our welcome to stop by to explore and enjoy!
Inviting all our TK-12th grade scientist to put on display their best projects. All our welcome to stop by to explore and enjoy!
Help us make our Annual VSH School Fun Run a Success!
We are hosting a fundraiser at Valley of the Sacred Heart School starting today! From now until the Fun Run Day your student’s job is to go out and get donations!! The school goal is $20,000.00 and the individual student goal is $250.00. Let’s make it happen!!
Join our school community event to hear our VSH children and Chesterton Choir perform.
Donations are accepted at the door.
We will be taking a group of Juniors and Seniors on a 10-day Rome Pilgrimage. Pray for us!
A blessed Easter to all!
Join us at the Parish Hall for Game Called Because of Murder by Dale Ahlquist. Tickets are available at the door, or call 530-574-0804.
Come enjoy the beautiful art work by the VSH students. This show will be highlighting our Chesterton Senior masterpieces.
We will be celebrating our seniors and 8th graders. Please join us for Mass and Chesterton awards assembly. School potluck to follow at Hall Park. Bring chairs and a treat to share to the park.
Congratulations to the Chesterton Class of 2025! Join us to celebrate our seniors at the Olde Vet’s Hall. The ceremony is followed by cake and refreshments.
VSH 7-8th grade students will have an opportunity to spend the day growing closer to Our Lord.
Our 6-12th grade students will enjoy a St. Valentine’s Dance. Get ready to boogie!
Our 2-8th grade full-time students will enjoy a day at Sutter’s Fort working and playing as if it was 1860.
Come visit our school and hear about our amazing program at Valley of the Sacred Heart Academy.
Join us for our Annual Cool Patch field trip. This is for all full-time students and families and optional for Co-op families. Watch for emails from teachers for specifics and payment.
We will carpool to the Cool Patch and parents will pick up children at 3pm: 6150 Dixon Ave. West Dixon, CA 95620
Valley of the Sacred Heart Academy invites you to its Annual Gala
Dinner, Dancing, Student Choir Performance, Live & Silent Auctions
Guest Speaker Dale Alquist
Olde Vet's Hall, 231 N. 1st Street Dixon, CA 95620
Couples $120/ Single $65/Table $700
Purchase tickets: www.valleyofthesacredheart.com/gala
Venmo: @vshacademy1
Come visit our school and hear about our amazing program at Valley of the Sacred Heart Academy.
5:00-8:00pm for full-time students only
5:00-5:45 pm Primary Montessori with Mrs. Getty (two @20 minute sessions back to back for families with children in both class )
5:45-6:30 pm Junior High with Mrs. Baker and teachers
6:30-8:00 pm Chesterton with Mr. DiCarlo and teachers
Thursday 9/26 is for full-time students. We will take individual, sibling, class, and senior photos with cap and gown.
Friday 9/27 is for our Co-op students and seniors in nice attire. We will take individual, sibling, class and large group pictures with the entire school and staff.
Our Junior High (7/8th) and Chesterton (9-12th) students will enjoy a day at Rodeo Beach. We will hike first, have lunch and play on the beach. We will be leaving school by 8:15am.
Atrium sessions will be every Wednesday and Thursday:
Wednesday Level 1, 2 AM and Level 1, 2, 3 PM
Thursdays Level 1 AM and Level 3 PM
Classes start at 9am. TK-3rd grade are done at 2:20 pm and 4-8th grade are finished at 3pm.
Please Join us for 8am Mass at St. Peters each Friday.
Parents please join us for coffee and treats after drop-off in the parking/play area!
New students come to meet the staff and see the classrooms 9-10:30am. Drop in bases for TK-6th grade and 9am for 7-12th grade.
10:30- Noon, Meet & Greet at Hall Park for all returning and new families.
Time: 9:15 -11:00 AM, RE Building room 4
DAY 1: for all incoming 5th through 8th grade and for all returning 5th through 9th grade who need some extra coaching / extra time for writing. Plan to spend this day reading short texts, making KWOs, and writing.
DAY 2: same as day 1 but also include incoming high school students. Plan to spend time this day reviewing style techniques, identifying dress-ups and openers in passages from books, and practicing some style techniques.
* students need to bring pencils, notebook, water, and a snack if they like
Congratulations to the Chesterton Class of 2024! Join us to celebrate our seniors at the Olde Vet’s Hall. Ceremony followed by cake and refreshments.
We will be celebrating our seniors and 8th graders. Please join us for Mass and Chesterton awards assembly. School potluck to follow at Hall Park. Bring chairs and a treat to share to the park.
Our Junior High and Chesterton students will enjoy a day at the lake. This year we will meet at Donner Lake for swimming, lunch, and games.
Join us at the Parish Hall for a fun rendition of Snow White. Tickets available at the door or call 530-574-0804.
Join our school community event to hear our Montessori children and our Chesterton Choir perform. Donations accepted at the door.
A Night to Remember. Students will enjoy dinner and dancing at the Olde Vet’s Hall in Dixon
Come enjoy the beautiful art work by the VSH students. This show will be highlighting our Chesterton Senior masterpieces.
Chesterton student will have an opportunity to spend two days growing closer to Our Lord.
Come enjoy an Italian dinner put on by our Chesterton Cooking Club. The proceeds go to our Juniors and Seniors who will be going on a 2025 Rome Pilgrimage. The cost is $35 for a family of 4 or more, $10 per person, and $5 for 12 year olds and under. Call 530-574-0804 to reserve your tickets.
A blessed Easter to all!
Join us at the Olde Vet’s Hall for a wonderful night of fun with Mind Over Murder. Doors open at 4:45pm (wine and cheese) and play begins at 5:30pm. Tickets available at the door or call 530-574-0804.